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Staining Agents for EM


The corresponding safety datasheets for the following products can be found here.

    • €44.20 €52.60
      Art.Nr: DMGP18-10

      Oolong Tea Extract (OTE) is a non-toxic and non-radioactive stain for electron microscopy. It is effective for fibrous connective tissues. OTE acts as a Tannin which allows complete post-stain lead citrate mordanting and gives satisfactory results. Powder is ideal for longer storage.

      €44.20 €52.60
      • Starting at €61.70 €73.42

        *** Only available for customers in Germany ***

        Lead citrate is used as enhancer for heavy metal staining in electron microscopy. It binds to osmium and uranyl acetate and thereby enhances the contrast of several cellular structures. Due to its high reactivity with CO2 care has to be taken for the preparation of solutions and during usage.

        Permanently reduced price!

        Starting at €61.70 €73.42