Cutting - Ultramicrotomy
The samples must be ultra-thin and electron-transparent for examination in the TEM. With an ultramicrotome equipped with special glass or diamond knives, ultra-thin sections of 20-100nm thickness can be produced. The ultramicrotome allows the transfer of the thin sections usually via a water bath onto round TEM grids. These grids are usually made of copper, gold or nickel and are often coated with a carbon or other ultra-thin film. Before cells or macromolecules from aqueous solutions can be applied, this carbon film must be made hydrophilic. This is done with the help of ionised residual gas in a plasma cleaner or glow-discharge device.
Tips & Information
Thick Sectioning for TEM using Leica UC7 (PDF)
Thick Sectioning for TEM using RMC PowerTome (PDF)
Avoiding Contamination of Ultra-Thin Sections
Reference: Cryo Sectioning and the Use of Diamond Knives
Elimination of Wrinkles in Semi-Thin Sections
Grids: Shiny Side vs Dull Side?
Grids: Removing a Charge from the Surface of Grids
Reference: Simple Method for Handling Grids
Techniques for Retrieving Thin Sections (PDF)
Section Pick-up with the Perfect Loop
Improving the Adhesion of Sections Filmless Grids
Removal Of Lead Citrate & Uranyl Acetate Precipitates on LR White Sections
Cryo Preparation using C-flat™
Special Catalog: (Ultra-)Microtomy