(1)RMC PowerTomes – ultramicrotomes for ultra-thin and semi-thin sectioning for electron microscopy
RMC Boeckeler has extensive experience in the field of ultramicrotomy with the focus on the continuous improvement and development of high-quality, user-friendly products.
RMC PowerTome ultramicrotomes are designed with a new cutting engine with exceptional levels of precision and accuracy. The patented Power Drive® technology provides enough power to cut very hard, inhomogeneous specimens.
The PT-PC series of RMC PowerTome ultramicrotomes is equipped with a Hybrid Control System for intuitive, simple sectioning preparation using either the touch-screen of the PC, or the supplied control unit. This facilitates the sectioning process without requiring moving focus away from the microscope.
Please find interesting and further information about Ultramicrotomes in our Info-Box and our microtomy catalogue.