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Cell Counters

    • Art.Nr: NE-EVE-HT

      The EVE-HT is a high-throughput automated cell counter ideal for large scale cell production or development. High efficiency, low sample volume and a speed of 48 samples in only 3 minutes enable time saving reliable workflows. Cell declustering, counting and viability measurement with up to 48 channels simultaneously enable large scale projects with high precision.

      • Art.Nr: NE-EVE-HT-FL

        The EVE™ HT FL is a high-throughput automated fluorescence cell counter equipped with bright field and two fluorescence channels, UV for DAPI and blue for Acridin Orange (AO) detection. In only 3 minutes, up to 48 samples can be counted and analyzed. EVE™ HT FL delivers highest precision and accuracy for both cell lines and primary cell analysis in a variety of applications.

        • €3,850.00 €4,581.50
          Art.Nr: NE-EVE-MC2

          EVE™ PLUS is the 2nd generation of EVE™, an image based automated cell counter. The EVE™ PLUS is a benchtop automated cell counter that performs cell count and viability measurements using trypan blue//erythrosin B solution. It is comparable to the nucleus counting method with PI (Propidium Iodide) for all cell lines with accuracy and precision. EVE™ Plus also identifies and counts cell agglomertes as several individual cells for accurate analysis.

          • Less than 1 s for cell counting (world´s fastest automated cell counter)
          • NEW: Autofocus (< 10 s for cell counting)
          • Easy to use
          • More accurate by improved hardware and counting algorithm
          €3,850.00 €4,581.50
          • Art.Nr: NE-EVE-MC

            The EVE™ automatic cell counter uses state-of-the-art optics and image analysis to automate cell counting. EVE™ is a bench-top counter, designed to measure cell count and viability (live, dead and total cells) accurately and precisely, using the standard trypan blue technique.

            EVE™ is the succeeding model of the established Countess® automated Cell Counter.

            • Starting at€78.00 €92.82

              The EVE™ cell counting slides contain two chambers. This allows measurement of two different samples or to perform a reference test of the same sample. Each kit includes 1,5ml Trypan Blue Solution (0,4%) per 50 slides. The kit is fully compatible with Countess® automated cell counters.

              Starting at €78.00 €92.82

              • Art.Nr: NE-ADAM-MC2
                The ADAM MC2 is an automated, easy-to-use and cost-efficient fluorescence cell counter. It operates with disposable microfluidic chips and analyses PI- or AO/PI-stained cell nuclei. LED illumination and CMOS detector technology enables precision analysis with reliable results in your lab.
                • Art.Nr: NE-ADAM-MC-Plus

                  ADAM stands for Advanced Detection and Accurate Measurement. The ADAM™ MC Plus is the new standard of highly accurate automated fluorescence cell counting of primary mammalian cells and cell lines. It is equipped with bright field and two fluorescence channels (AO/DAPI) for sensitive fluorescence dye detection. LED optics and CMOS detection technologies make analysis more accurate and reliable. It measures the number of total cells, viable and non-viable cells and calculates the cell viability. In addition, it analyzes the cell size and aggregation ratio.

                  • Art.Nr: NE-ADAMII-LS
                    ADAMII™ LS is an accurate and easy-to-use bench-top system for fluorescent cell analysis. It enables performing of various cell assays with up to 4 channels (bright-field, DAPI, GFP, RFP), including cell counting, viability, fluorescent expression (transfection efficiency), apoptosis and cell cycle histograms.
                    • Art.Nr: NE-JS1000S
                      • Multi-channel fluorescence imaging
                      • Compact and compatible with standard CO2 incubators
                      • Fully automated X-Y-Z stage
                      • Easy and powerful software
                      • Capture and analyze images in real time